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Project 2: Playing With Processes

CS 270 Systems Programming 
Project 2: Playing With Processes

This is an individual project. This time, you will be writing C code, using the information
contained in Chapter 8 of your textbook Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, 3rd
edition. You must do the assignment on your CS Department VM.
The objective of this assignment is to get you familiar with the programming interfaces for
creating, terminating, and controlling processes, specifically fork, wait, kill, signal, and their
various ancillary functions and macros (e.g., sigaction and sigsuspend).
You will turn in a tar file containing these files:
forker.c Solution for Part 1
sigs.c Solution for Part 2
ipc.c Solution for Part 3
myScript.txt See below
The last file should be a script produced by running your code and recording the outputs.
To get started, download the tarball from the Canvas page for this assignment onto your VM,
and unpack it into a directory where you will work on this project. The tarball includes the following:
• A file dieWithError.c containing a function that prints an error message and then calls exit;
this is a simple way to deal with errors from system and library calls. You can modify this
if you want or replace it with something else (e.g., the similar function from the textbook) if
you like.
• A Makefile to build the three executable files forker, sigs, and ipc from the files that you
will eventually turn in.
• Skeleton forker.c, sigs.c, and ipc.c files, which have a very basic outline of the code you
will fill in. These have the #include statements that are sufficient to create a working solution,
and in some cases a declaration or two. (If you need to add other #includes, you may do so.)
Your code must compile correctly with the given Makefile. You will receive zero points for any of
the three programs that fails to compile. On each part, 3/4 of the points are for correctness, and
1/4 for efficiency, style and readability.
Note Well: This assignment requires dealing with a significant amount of detail.
Remember: man is your friend. It will tell you the syntax to use and what header
(.h) files you will need to include in your program. You are also welcome to use
the “wrapper” functions provided at the CS:APP website (see pointer on the canvas
1 forking and waiting
For this part, which is worth 12 points, you will write a simple program (forker.c) that forks
multiple times, until there are 4 processes in total. We’ll call the original process A; the others are
B, C, and D. The relationships among them are shown in the process graph in Figure 1.
Each process announces itself by calling the function greet, shown below, as soon as it starts
void greet(char myName) {
printf("Process %c, PID %d greets you.\n",myName,getpid());
As you can see, greet outputs the process letter and process ID. Once it has called greet, each
child process prints “Process X exits normally”, where X is its letter name, and then calls exit.
Each parent process, after forking, calls wait (or waitpid) to reap a child. When wait returns, it
prints a message of the form:
Process X here: Process Y exited with status ##
where X and Y are parent and child process’s names (i.e., letters, not PIDs) respectively, and “##”
is the exit status.
Once a process has reaped all of its children, it prints the same “Process X exits normally”
message and then calls exit.
Each vertical line in Figure 1 represents the logical flow of one process; horizontal lines represent
forking or termination. You must put all the code in one file called forking.c. Suggestions:
Figure 1: Process graph for Parts 1 and 3
• All the processes will eventually be printing the same thing, so write another function called
goaway, which prints the “exits normally” message and then calls exit. (You can do the same
thing for the message the parent prints showing the exit status, which is labeled “Mourn” in
the process graph.)
• You can use wait or waitpid to reap terminated processes. Although wait (or waitpid)
returns a process ID (type pid t), the parent must print the letter name of the process. So
write a function that keeps track of child process IDs and prints the correct name based on
the PID.
• Like the examples in the slides and the textbook, include comments in your code that label
branches for the results of the fork calls. Use the process name, i.e., the branch of the first
call that returns 0 would be labeled “B”. This will help you keep track of what’s what.
As an example, here is one possible output sequence from the program:
Process A, PID 6553 greets you
Process B, PID 6554 greets you
Process C, PID 6555 greets you
Process C exits normally
Process A here: Process C exited with status 0x4300
Process D, PID 6556 greets you
Process D exits normally
Process B here: Process D exited with status 0x44
Process B exits normally
Process A here: Process B exited with status 0x4200
Process A exits normally
Note that if process A calls wait it may reap either B or D first. If it calls waitpid, it can specify
its children to be reaped in a specific order. Here is an example of an ordering that is not feasible:
Process A, PID 7912 greets you
Process B, PID 7913 greets you
Process C, PID 7914 greets you
Process A here: Process C exited with status 0x4300
Process C exits normally
Process D, PID 7915 greets you.
Process D exits normally
Process A here: Process B exited with status 0x4200
Process B here: Process D exited with status 0x44
Process B exits normally
Process A exits normally
This cannot happen because C (B) must exit before A can say that it exited. (This assumes that
writes to the terminal are output in the order they are issued, which you may assume is the case.)
2 Handling Signals
The part is worth 12 points. It is intended to expose you to some of the subtleties of using signals,
including why counting events with signals doesn’t work.
The signal sigalarm is used to arrange timeouts—that is, a process can arrange to be sent a
signal when a certain amount of time has passed. For this assignment we will be using the alarm(n)
library function, which causes sigalarm to be delivered to the calling process after n seconds.
(Note: there are other, more flexible ways of causing sigalarm to be delivered; see setitimer()
for example. But alarm is sufficient for this assignment.) The default action for sigalarm is
termination, so it is usually used with a signal handler.
For this part you will write two signal handlers, one for sigalarm and one for sigint. (The
skeleton file sigs.c has placeholders for them; it also defines the constants LIMIT and PERIOD and
declares the global variables mentioned below.)
The sigalarm handler does the following: (i) block all signals; (ii) increment the global counter
int sigalarm_count; (iii) call alarm(PERIOD) to reset the alarm; (iv) restore the original set of
blocked signals.
The sigint handler (i) blocks all signals; (ii) increments the global counter int sigint_count;
(iii) restores the original set of blocked signals.
The first thing the main function of sigs.c does is fork. From then on, the behavior of the two
processes is as follows:
• The child process calls getppid to get the process ID of its parent, then reads one character
from the standard input (use getchar() for this). This will block until you type a character.
After getchar() returns (the return value may be ignored), the child process enters a loop in
which it sends sigint to the parent process LIMIT times. Finally it prints the message “Child:
finished sending SIGINT LIMIT times.” and calls exit.
• The parent sets up the two signal handlers, one for sigalarm and another for sigint. It then
calls alarm(PERIOD), which will cause a sigalarm to be delivered after 5 seconds. Then it
enters a while loop that will iterate until either sigint_count or sigalarm_count exceeds
the defined LIMIT. The test of the loop must take place with sigalarm and sigint blocked.
The body of the loop prints a single dot (’.’) to standard output, and then calls sigsuspend
to unblock all signals and wait for something to happen. (So the parent just waits until either
sigalarm or sigint has been delivered more than LIMIT times.) After the loop ends, it prints
out the value of both counters and calls exit.
The reason the child process reads from the terminal is so that you can control when it starts sending
sigint; the parent must have time to install the signal handlers. To be safe, you can hit “enter” on
the keyboard after the parent prints the first dot.
Your code should use sigaction to set the signal handlers.
3 Synchronizing with Signals
This part is worth 20 points. In it, you will combine everything you have learned from the first two
parts to impose some additional ordering on the events shown in Figure 1. (You will not be using
timeouts or sigalarm, however.)
The two signals sigusr1 and sigusr2 are not sent by the OS; they are available for application
programs to use for inter-process communication. In this part, you will first copy forker.c to ipc.c
to use as a starting point. The observable behavior of ipc.c will be the same as that of forker.c,
but you will modify the code to use sigusr1 and sigusr2 to co-ordinate the actions of processes
A, B, C, and D. The process graph will look exactly the same as before, but you must add signal
handlers and calls to the kill function to impose the following additional ordering constraints on
the events:
• C must call greet before D calls greet.
• D must call greet before C exits.
• D must exit after C exits.
To make this work, C needs to inform D when it has called greet, and D needs to wait for that
signal before it calls greet. Similarly, C needs to wait to hear that D has called greet before C
exits, and then D needs to hear that C has exited before it exits. The processes will convey this
information using the two signals. (Note: As noted in class, signals don’t carry any information
other than their number and the fact that they were sent. But that is all you need to implement
the constraints.)
Your processes may only send signals to other processes whose IDs they learn either from a call
to fork or getppid (i.e., to their child or parent). In particular, they may not use anything like ps
to learn other process IDs.
• Because signals can only be sent between parents and children, the parent processes (i.e., A
and B) will need to relay the signals back and forth between C and D. The suggestion is to
use one of the signals (say, sigusr1) for signals traveling toward D (right to left in Figure 1),
and the other for signals traveling in the other direction.
• To keep your handlers simple, have all the calls to kill made from the main program. You can
use simple (global) flag variables (of type sig_atomic_t—see L17) to let the handler indicate
to the main program that the signal has arrived. The handler can set the value to 1 to indicate
signal arrival; after reading it, the main program resets it to 0.
• As in the previous part of this assignment, you will need to pause the programs at certain
points to wait for signals to arrive. However, because the communication is so simple, you can
just use pause() rather than sigsuspend().
• The additional constraints described above amount to adding additional “happens-before”
arrows between events in C and D in Figure 1. Drawing those arrows on the figure may help
you keep track of what each process needs to do in terms of waiting for and relaying signals.