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Micro Project 1 CS 2200 - Systems and Networks

Micro Project 1 CS 2200 - Systems and Networks 
Problem 1: Assembly Programming Warmup
In this problem, you will be introduced to the 16 bit LC (Little Computer) 2200 assembly language.
You will learn the syntax and semantics that underlie each of the supported operations. Although our
instruction set is not as extensive as MIPS (Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages) or x86,
it is still able to solve a multitude of problems. In a LC-2200 computer, the word size is two bytes (16
bits), and there are 16 registers. We restrict memory to be addressable by words.
Register Conventions
Although the registers are for general-purpose use, we shall place restrictions on their use for the sake
of convention and all that is good on this earth. Here is a table of their names and uses:
Table 1: Registers and their Uses
Register Number Name Use Callee Save?
0 $zero Always Zero NA
1 $at Reserved for the Assembler NA
2 $v0 Return Value No
3 $a0 Argument 1 No
4 $a1 Argument 2 No
5 $a2 Argument 3 No
6 $t0 Temporary Variable No
7 $t1 Temporary Variable No
8 $t2 Temporary Variable No
9 $s0 Saved Register Yes
10 $s1 Saved Register Yes
11 $s2 Saved Register Yes
12 $k0 Reserved for OS and Traps NA
13 $sp Stack Pointer No
14 $fp Frame Pointer Yes
15 $ra Return Address No
Register 0 This register is always read as zero. Any values written to it are discarded.
Register 1 is a general purpose register, you should not use it because the assembler will use it in
processing pseudo-instructions.
Register 2 is where you should store any returned value from a subroutine call.
Registers 3 to 5 are used to pass arguments into subroutines.
Registers 6 to 8 are used to store temporary values. Note that registers 2 through 8 should be placed
on the stack if the caller wants to retain those values. These registers are fair game for the callee (the
subroutine) to trash.
Registers 9 to 11 are the saved registers. The caller may assume that these registers are never tampered with by the subroutine. If the subroutine needs these registers, then it should palce them on the
stack and restore them before they jump back to the caller’s code.
Micro Project 1 CS 2200 - Systems and Networks Spring 2016
Register 12 is used to handle interrupts (something we’ll get to in a few weeks).
Register 13 is your anchor on the stack. It keeps track of the top of the activation record for some
Register 14 is used to point to the first address on the activation record for the currently executing
process. You do not need to worry about using this register.
Register 15 is used to store the address a subroutine should return to when it is finished executing. It
is only supposed to be used by the JALR (Jump And Link Register) command.
Instruction Formats
There are four types of instructions: R-Type (Register Type), I-Type (Immediate value Type), J-Type
(Jump Type), and S-Type (Stack Type).
Here is the instruction format for R-Type instructions (ADD, NAND):
Bits 15 - 13 12 - 9 8 - 5 4 - 1 0
Purpose opcode RX RY RZ Unused
Here is the instruction format for I-Type instructions (ADDI, LW, SW, BEQ):
Bits 15 - 13 12 - 9 8 - 5 4 - 0
Purpose opcode RX RY 2’s Complement Offset
Here is the instruction format for J-Type instructions (JALR):
Bits 15 - 13 12 - 9 8 - 5 4 - 0
Purpose opcode RX RY Unused (all 0s)
Here is the instruction format for S-Type instructions (SPOP):
Bits 15 - 13 12 - 2 1 - 0
Purpose opcode Unused (all 0s) Control Code
Symbolic instructions follow the same layout. That is, the order of the registers and offset fields align
with the order given in the instruction format, ie. instructions in assembly are written as:
instruction RX, RY, RZ or
instruction RX, [optional offset](RY).
Micro Project 1 CS 2200 - Systems and Networks Spring 2016
Table 2: Assembly Language Instruction Descriptions
Name Type Example Opcode Action
add R add $v0, $a0, $a2 000 Add contents of RY with the contents
of RZ and store the result in RX.
nand R nand $v0, $a0, $a2 001 NAND contents of RY with the contents of RZ and store the result in RX.
addi I addi $v0, $a0, 7 010 Add contents of RY to the contents of
the offset field and store the result in
lw I lw $v0, 0x07($sp) 011 Load RX from memory. The memory
address is formed by adding the offset
to the contents of RY.
sw I sw $a0, 0x07($sp) 100 Store RX into memory. The memory
address is formed by adding the offset
to the contents of RY.
beq I beq $a0, $a1, done 101 Compare the contents of RX and RY. If
they are the same, then branch to address PC + 1 + Offset, where PC is the
address of the beq instruction. Memory is word addressed. Note that if
you use a label in a BEQ instruction,
it will jump to the relative offset of the
jalr J jalr $at, $ra 110 First store PC + 1 in RY, where PC
is the address of the jalr instruciton.
Then branch to the address in RX. If
RX = RY, then the processor will store
PC + 1 into RY and end up branching
to PC + 1.
spop S spop 0 111 Perform the action as determined by
the control code, which is the last two
bits (control code = 0 tells the processor to halt).
LC 2200 provides a number of pseudo-instructions.
Table 3: Assembly Language Pseudo-Instructions
Name Example Action
halt halt Emits a spop 0 to halt the processor.
la la $a0, MyLabel Loads the address of a label into a register.
noop noop No operation, does nothing. It actually
does add $zero, $zero, $zero.
.word .word 32, .word MyLabel Fills the memory location it is located
with a given value or the address of the
Micro Project 1 CS 2200 - Systems and Networks Spring 2016
Problem 1: Get used to LC 2200
[0 points]Play around with the simulator. Try writing some simple programs to copy values from one
register to another or to load/store values from memory. You should get familiar with the syntax for the
assembler. When you extract the archive, you will have access to an assembler ( and a simulator ( Please run ‘python -h’ and ‘python
-h’ in order to see how to run these programs. The simulator comes with a ‘help’ command
to explore all the different commands. Here is the suggested workflow for writing and running your
assembly programs on the simulator:
1. Edit and save your assembly file with your favorite text editor.
2. Assemble your code by running python myFile.s. If this operation is successful,
you will have a file called ‘myFile.bin’.
3. You can run your .bin file with the simulator by typing python myFile.bin.
Some useful commands are ‘r’ for run, ‘q’ for quit, ‘break [line # or label]’, and ‘help’.
Problem 2: Fibonacci Series Test Program
In this problem, you have to use the LC 2200 assembly language to write a simple program.
1. [30 points] Define a procedure calling convention for the LC-2200 assembly language. Your answer
should have enough detail so that someone else could write a procedure (or procedure call) to be
used as part of another program. You can come up with your own convention, but we recommend
basing your convention description off of the one shown in class and described above. Be sure to
explicitly address the following standard issues:
(a) [10/30 points] Define how registers are used. Which registers are used for what? (Specify
ALL registers, including those that are not used.)
(b) [10/30 points] Define how the stack is accessed. What does the stack pointer point to? In
which way does the stack grow in terms of memory addresses?
(c) [10/30 points] Define the mechanics of the call, including what the caller does to initiate a
procedure call, what the callee does at the beginning of a procedure, what the callee does at
the end of a procedure to return to the caller, and what the caller does to clean up after the
procedure returned.
2. [70 points] Write a function in LC-2200 to compute fibonacci(num).
fibonacci(n) = fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)
fibonacci(0) = 0, and fibonacci(1) = 1
(a) Your function is required to follow the calling convention you established above.
(b) It should work for n >= 0, but you don’t have to handle detecting/handling integer overflow.
Recursive functions always obtain a return address through the function call and return to the
callee using the return address. We recommend starting with a solution in a higher level language
Micro Project 1 CS 2200 - Systems and Networks Spring 2016
such as C, and then moving to assembly. Feel free to ask us questions in our office hours, on Piazza,
or in the weekly recitation. Make sure that fib.s is in a UNIX-readble format (no DOS/Windows
Comment your code. Assembly is hard to read, and comments aid in debugging while
providing clarity
Turn in ALL of your files in T-Square in a .tar.gz archive. To create a tar.gz archive, use the command
‘tar cvzf hw1.tar.gz <your list of files>’. See the tar man page (>>‘man tar’) for more details on usage.
• answers.txt, which has your answers for Problem 2, question 1.
• fib.s, which has your assembly code.
•, the lc2200-16 assembler
•, the lc2200-16 simulator
The TAs should be able to type python fib.s and then python
fib.bin to run your code. If you cannot do this with your submission, then you have done something