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CSC3170 Introduction to Database Systems Assignment 3

1. Introduction The International Football Organization keeps a record of all the football leagues, sponsors and football teams in different regions all over the world. In any region, there can be many leagues happening within the year in different seasons. Each league can be uniquely determined by its league ID (LID). Support of the leagues, which can be uniquely determined by their sponsor ID (SID) together with their amount of sponsorship, are kept in the database for future reference. In addition, the database also records the champion team of all the leagues, which can be uniquely determined by their team ID (TID). 2. Schema The relational database schema is shown as follows: TEAMS(TID, TEAM_NAME, AVERAGE_AGE) LEAGUES(LID, LEAGUE_NAME, CHAMPION_TID, YEAR, SEASON, RID) SPONSORS(SID, SPONSOR_NAME, MARKET_VALUE) REGIONS(RID, REGION_NAME, FOOTBALL_RANKING) SUPPORT(LID, SID, SPONSORSHIP) 3. ER-Diagram LEAGUE_NAME YEAR TID TEAM_NAME SEASON LID SID MARKET_VALUE TEAMS WINS LEAGUES SUPPORT SPONSORS AVERAGE_AGE SPONSOR_NAME HELD IN SPONSORSHIP REGION RID REGION_NAME FOOTBALL_RANKING CSC3170 Introduction to Database Systems (2023-24 Term 2) Assignment 3 Submission deadline: before 12 April 2024 11:59 pm • If you have any questions about this assignment, contact TA at 4. Description TEAMS - It storesinformation about the teams. Item Name Format Description TID Integer The ID of the team. It is unique. TEAM_NAME 30 Char The full name of the team. It is also unique. AVERAGE_AGE Float The average age of players in the team. LEAGUES - Itstores information about the leagues. Item Name Format Description LID Integer The ID of the league. It is unique. LEAGUE_NAME 30 Char The full name of the league. CHAMPION_TID Integer The ID of the champion team of this league. YEAR Integer The year when the league was held. SEASON 10 Char The season when the league was held, includes “Spring”, “Summer”, “Autumn” and “Winter”. RID Integer The ID of the region where the league was held. SPONSORS - It storesinformation about the sponsors. Item Name Format Description SID Integer The ID of the sponsor. It is unique. SPONSOR_NAME 30 Char The name of the sponsor. MARKET_VALUE Float The market value of the sponsor. (in million dollar) REGIONS - Itstores region information. Item Name Format Description RID Integer The ID of the region. It is unique. REGION_NAME 30 Char The name of the region. FOOTBALL_RANKI NG Integer The ranking of the region team in the world. SUPPORT - It shows which sponsor supports which league. Item Name Format Description LID Integer The ID of the supported league. SID Integer The ID of the sponsor. SPONSORSHIP Float The total amount of money the sponsor supports. (in million dollar) 5. Queries (1 mark for each query) You are required to write the queries below in SQL. Your queries will be tested under the db18 Oracle server in CSE department. You can execute create_table.sql to create all tables, and execute add.sql to load the test data(If you are using SQLWorkbench, try to execute add_for_sql_workbench.sql to load the test data). Please refer to Tutorial 7 for the information about connection to the Oracle Server. 1. Find the REGION_NAME of the regions and the LID, LEAGUE_NAME and YEAR of the leagues of all the leagues held in ‘Spring’ or ‘Summer’ SEASON. The result should be sorted by LID in ascending order. The ordering of the columns: LID LEAGUE_NAME REGION_NAME YEAR 2. Find the TID, TEAM_NAME and AVERAGE_AGE of the team that won leagues in 'Autumn' SEASON since YEAR 2015(inclusively) more than once. The result should be sorted by TID in ascending order. The ordering of the columns: TID TEAM_NAME AVERAGE_AGE 3. Find the TID, TEAM_NAME, AVERAGE_AGE which won most of the leagues in each SEASON, and show the number of leagues the team won (W_NUM) in that season. The result should be ordered by the TID, SEASON in ascending order. The ordering of the columns: TID TEAM_NAME AVERAGE_AGE SEASON W_NUM 4. Find the SID, SPONSOR_NAME and the corresponding number of leagues (L_NUM) supported by each sponsor. The result should be ordered by SID in ascending order, and you only need to show the top-5 records in the result. The ordering of the columns: SID SPONSOR_NAME L_NUM (Note: you may need to use a pseudocolumn called ROWNUM. For detail, please refer to 5. Find the LID, LEAGUE_NAME of the league(s) held in ‘Autumn’ or ‘Winter’ SEASON, supported by at least one sponsor with MARKET_VALUE > 50 and won by team with AVERAGE_AGE < 30. The result should be ordered by LID in descending order. The ordering of the columns: LID LEAGUE_NAME 6. We define the HOT to a region of a sponsor as the value calculated by the following equation List the SID, HOT of the sponsor who satisfies MARKET_VALUE > 40 and has the highest HOT among regions with FOOTBALL_RANKING < 10. The result should be ordered by SID in descending order. The ordering of the columns: (Note: You may consider using SQRT, LOG in your SQL statement. For detail, please refer to 7. List the HOT to each region of sponsors with SID = 4,5,6,7, and also the highest hot (HOT_HIGH) among the four sponsors. The result should be sorted by RID in descending order. The ordering of the columns: RID HOT_4 HOT_5 HOT_6 HOT_7 HOT_HIGH Note: • HOT_i is the HOT to the region of sponsor with SID=i. • HOT_i is NULL(instead of 0) iff the sponsor with SID=i has never supported the region. • When computing HOT_HIGH, the NULL values in HOT_i should be regarded as 0. • You may consider using GREATEST, NVL in your SQL statement. For detail, please refer to 8. We define the most competitive team(s) as the team which won the maximum number of leagues. Find the SID, SPONSOR_NAME of the sponsor(s) who have sponsored at least one league won by one of the most competitive team(s). The result should be sorted by SID in ascending order. The ordering of the columns: (Please follow the Submission Procedure in next page.) SID SPONSOR_NAME SID HOT 6. Submission Procedure 1. Write your queries to single file called .sql (e.g. 1101234567.sql) for all of the above queries and save the query results to the files result1.lst, result2.lst, …, result8.lst for queries 1, 2, …, and 8 respectively using the Spool command in Oracle (see the example shown below). You don’t need to worry about that the SQLWorkBench cannot run Spool well, just make sure the correctness of your SQL statements. You should use comment lines to include your name and student ID at the header of 1101234567.sql. You should also use the Oracle command Spool for each of the queries. Do NOT add any comment lines inside your SQL statements. There is always at least one space between your comment body and /* (or */). Your 1101234567.sql should be in the following format: /* */ /* Query 1 */ Spool result1.lst Select … from … ; Spool off /* Query 2 */ Spool result2.lst Select … from … ; Spool off …… If you need to create views, DO NOT write the create and drop sql statements inside the body of Spool. The format should be: /* Query 8 */ Create OR Replace view temp AS … Spool result8.lst Select … from … ; Spool off Drop view temp; Please use an Unix text editor (e.g. vim) instead of a Windows editor, or you should ensure that your submitted file should not contain any special characters (e.g. ^M), which are resulted from transferring your files from Windows to Unix. You can solve this by using a Unix command dos2unix on linux machines. 2. You should test your final .sql file (e.g. 1101234567.sql) before submission by typing the command “@” (e.g. @1101234567) in your Oracle account. This should generate the result files result1.lst, result2.lst, …, result8.lst in your current directory in Unix. You have to ensure that the content of each result file is correct in order to get score for the query. IMPORTANT!!! 3. Submit your .sql file to the submission box on the blackboard platform. You should follow this procedure to submit all your SQL queries STRICTLY or you may receive mark deduction. Assume your name is “Jack” and your student ID is 1101234567. The submission procedures are shown as follows: Student ID: 1101234567 Name: jack