Assignment 3
1 LL(1) Grammar and Recursive Descent Parsing
<program> ::= def <funcname> <arguments> : \n <block> EOF
<funcname> ::= f | g
<arguments> ::= ( <variable> <morevars> )
<morevars> ::= , <variable> <morevars> |
<block> ::= <stmtlist>
<stmtlist> ::= \t <stmt> <morestmts>
<morestmts> ::= \n <stmtlist> |
<stmt> ::= <assign> | <ifstmt> | <returnstmt>
<assign> ::= <variable> = <expr>
<condition> ::= <variable> <= <expr>
<ifstmt> ::= if <condition> : <assign> \n \t else : <assign>
<returnstmt> ::= return <variable>
<expr> ::= <term> + <term>
<term> ::= <variable> | <digit>
<variable> :: = a | b | c
<digit> :: = 0 | 1 | 2
\n represents the “new line” terminal. \t represents the “tab” terminal.
(a) Show that the grammar above is LL(1). Use a formal argument based
on the definition of the LL(1) grammar.
(b) Show the LL(1) parse table.
(c) Write a recursive descent parser for the above grammar in pseudo code
in the same format as that in lecture 6.