CSCI3180 – Principles of Programming Languages
Assignment 2 — Dynamic and Duck Typing
1 Introduction
The purpose of this assignment is to offer you a first-hand experience with Python, which supports
the object-oriented design and programming paradigm. Our main focuses are Dynamic Typing
and Duck Typing.
The assignment consists of two main parts. First, you need to implement the rules of a singleplayer game named Strange Planet in Python to brush up on your Python skills based on the given
Java implementation. Second, we will extend the game and you need to implement more classes
for the game in Python. In the report, you need to demonstrate the flexibility of Dynamic Typing
and Duck Typing. All Python implementations in this assignment should be built using Python
2 Task 1: Strange Planet
Because of a wrong operation, your spacecraft crash-landed on an unknown planet in space, and
you get lost wandering around. The planet is full of dangers and unknown creatures. Try to find
your way to your spaceship and get back to the Earth again. This is a programming exercise
for you to get familiar with Python, which is a dynamically typed language. In this task, you
have to strictly follow our proposed object-oriented design and the game rules for Strange Planet
stated in this section. You have to follow the prototypes of the given functions exactly. The Java
implementation of the game is also given to you for reference. Another purpose of this exercise is
for you to appreciate our object-oriented design. Think about how you would design the software
and compare it to our design. You need to implement this game in Python. Note that if you need
to access a private variable (whose name starts with an underscore) of a class from another class,
you must use the getter and the setter. You are not allowed to access a private variable directly
using a dot operator from another class.
2.1 Programming Environment Preparation
Before you can build and run the Java program we provide, you may have to prepare your development environment first. We will provide a virtual machine containing everything you need in the
development. If you prefer programming on your machine, please follow the instructions below to
install the development kits and some necessary packages. If you cannot be bothered to configure
all these things, please use our virtual machine instead.
1. Build Tools. We provide a Makefile so that you can easily build the Java application via a
make command. On an Ubuntu machine with root privilege, install build tools by executing
the following command in the terminal
sudo apt-get install build-essential
On macOS, if the make command is not found, you should install the build tools via XCode.
On Windows, you should consider downloading an IDE and configuring it by yourself, too.
2. Java Development Kit (JDK). To build the Java source files, you have to install the
JDK first. There are different JDKs available for a variety of platforms. To build this Java
application, feel free to install any kind of JDK, like OpenJDK, Oracle JDK, IBM Java SDK,
Apache Harmony, etc. Please refer to their official websites for the installation guide in detail.
We recommend you install the open-source OpenJDK. On a Ubuntu machine with root privilege, open your terminal and execute the following command to find all available OpenJDK
apt search ^openjdk-[0-9]*-jdk$
Install any version you like via the following commands. Replace <version> with specific
version number. For example, you can install any one of openjdk-8-jdk, openjdk-11-jdk,
openjdk-13-jdk and openjdk-14-jdk on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
sudo apt-get update
# Replace <version> with a specific version number.
# For example, install openjdk-14-jdk on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
sudo apt-get install openjdk-<version>-jdk
After executing this command in the terminal, you should have already installed OpenJDK
correctly. Check the Java version and Java compiler version by java --version and javac
--version. You will get a similar output as follows if everything goes fine:
$ java --version
OpenJDK version "14.0.2" 2020-07-14
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 14.0.2+12-Ubuntu-120.04)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.0.2+12-Ubuntu-120.04, mixed mode,
$ javac --version
javac 14.0.2
Now you have successfully installed the JDK. Similarly, on any MacOS machine, simply open
your terminal and execute the following command:
# Replace <version> with a specific version number.
brew cask install adoptopenjdk<version>
On Windows, you may have to refer to the official websites for the installation guide in detail.
Again, if you find it tedious to set up the environment on your machine, use our Ubuntu virtual
machine instead. Everything mentioned above in this section will be pre-installed so that you do
not need to worry about wasting time on environment preparation.
2.2 Description
Strange Planet is a single-player game. The player needs to get to the spaceship over a complicated
terrain, represented by an n × m map consisting of n rows and m columns. Two cells are one step
away from each other if they are horizontally or vertically adjacent, and they are neighbors if they
are adjacent to each other either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Except for cells along the
boundaries of the map, all cells have exactly eight neighbors. See Figure 1 for an example. The
cells that are one step away from cell (3, 3), i.e., the cell at row 3 and column 3, are highlighted
by red boxes, and all eight neighbors of cell (3, 3) are highlighted by either red or blue boxes.
The player starts in the bottom-left corner (n − 1, 0) and needs to reach the top-right corner
(0, m − 1) where the spaceship is located. Due to the limited oxygen, the player must reach the
spaceship within h hours and has p health points (HPs) initially. The cells on the map have
different terrain types, such as plain, mountain, and swamp. According to the terrain of a cell, the
player may either cannot enter the cell or spends several hours traversing it.
• The color of a mountain cell is grey, and the player cannot enter a mountain cell.
• The color of a swamp cell is blue, and the player spends 2 hours to travel out of it.
• The color of a plain cell is green, and the player spends 1 hour to travel out of it.
See Figure 1 for example cells with different terrain types. Note that the player’s oxygen is updated
after the player moved from one cell to another, and the amount (in terms of hours) of oxygen to
be deducted is based on the type of cell out of which the player is traveling.
There are g Goblins scattered around the map. In other words, a cell can either be empty or
occupied by the player or a Goblin. At each round, the player takes action first, followed by the
Figure 1: Example map of Strange Planet.
Goblins’ actions in turns. The player can move to a cell that is one step away from the player’s
current position by specifying the direction: “L” (Left), “R” (Right), “U” (Up), and “D” (Down).
When the player attempts to move to a new cell, one of the following cases will happen:
• The action is invalid if the target cell is a mountain cell or the movement is out of the map
• If the target cell is an empty swamp or plain cell, the player enters the target cell.
• If the target cell is occupied by a Goblin, the Goblin disappears. The player enters the target
cell, and the player’s HP is reduced by 1.
All Goblins patrol on the map according to a predetermined sequence of actions, and they move
a cell that is one step away from the current cell at each round. When a Goblin attempts to move
to a new cell, one of the following cases will happen:
• If the target cell is a mountain cell, the Goblin stays at the original cell.
• If a Goblin enters a cell occupied by the player, the Goblin disappears. The player’s HP is
reduced by 1.
The moving routes of every pair of Goblins are always non-overlapping. In other words, a Goblin
never attempts to move to a cell occupied by another Goblin.
After the player and all Goblins take action, one of the three cases will happen:
• The player loses if either the player’s remaining oxygen (in hours) or HPs is non-positive.
• The player wins if the player reaches the goal cell (0, m − 1), and the player’s remaining
oxygen (in hours) and HPs are both positive.
• Otherwise, the game continues until either the player wins or loses.
2.3 Input/Output Specification
In this exercise, you are required to read the map information from a file and use the command
line to get inputs about the player’s action. All outputs should also be printed to the command
line window. Please follow the exact wording, spacing, and format of the output attachment.
Figure 2: Example map file of Strange Planet.
Input File The input file consists of all configurations of the game. An example file is given in
Figure 2, which describes the map in Figure 1. The first line of an input file consists of n (the
number of rows), m (the number of columns), h (the initial amount of oxygen), p (the initial
number of HPs) and g (the number of Goblins). In each of the following n lines, there are m
characters indicating the terrain type of each cell in that row (“P” for plains, “M” for mountains,
and “S” for swamps). The final g lines contain information about the Goblins. Each line starts
with two integers representing the initial row and column of a Goblin, followed by a sequence of
characters representing the Goblin’s repeated actions. For example, the first Goblin is initially at
cell (0, 1) and repeats the action sequence of moving left, moving right, moving right, and moving
left. You can assume that after taking the specified sequence of actions, a Goblin will always
return to its original position. At each round, Goblins should take action with order according to
the appearance of their description in the file. In the example file, the Goblin with initial position
(0, 1) should move first at each round, and then the Goblin initially at (2, 2) moves second, followed
by the Goblin initially at (3, 4).
Displaying Game Information After each round of actions by the player and the Goblins, the
updated information, which consists of the current map state and the players’ remaining oxygen
and HPs should be printed.
Map Format The map should include all cells and objects as required in Section 2.2, together
with row number and column number. As is shown in Figure 3, we aim to print a map containing
nine rows ten columns. The first row starts with three spaces, followed by numbers from 0 to 9,
each separated from the subsequent one by five spaces. Each row of the map consists of a row
number, one space, and a list of colored cells starting from the second row. Each cell has three
characters to display the terrain type and the occupant in the cell by the corresponding background
color and characters for the occupants:
• When the player occupies a cell, the character in the middle is “A”;
• When a Goblin occupies a cell, the character in the middle is “G”;
• Otherwise, the cell is empty, and the character in the middle is a space character.
Every two cells in the same row are three spaces away from each other. The ANSI escape codes for
colors of different terrain types are given in the skeleton code, and you may follow the description
in https://www.lihaoyi.com/post/BuildyourownCommandLinewithANSIescapecodes.html to
print colored text.
Figure 3: Example map file of Strange Planet.
Player’s Status The player’s status should be in a new line following the cell matrix. The
string should be “Oxygen: <oxy>, HP: <hp>.” where <oxy> and <hp> are the player’s remaining
oxygen in hour(s) and HPs.
Human-Controlled Player When the player takes action at each round, your program
should prompt a message “Next move (U, D, R, L):, and the input should be a character of
either “L” (Left), “R” (Right), “U” (Up) or “D” (Down). See Figure 3. If the input is invalid, you
should output a message “Invalid command. Please enter one of {U, D, R, L}.”
Other Information There are other messages such as the movements of non-player game
characters and the interaction among game characters when one game character attempts to enter
an occupied cell. The messages are given in the skeleton code, and you are not allowed to change
any given print statements.
Game End When the game is finished, a string <msg> should be printed to indicate the result
of the game. The string “<msg>” can be either “Congrats! You win!” or “Bad Luck! You lose.”.
2.4 Class Design
Please follow the classes defined below in your implementation. You are not allowed to add any
variables, methods, or classes. We will start the program with python3 StrangePlanet.py basic.
The following class design uses the naming convention of Python, and the class design for Java will
be given in the appendix. In particular, underscored variables are “private”. You are also required
to use properties for setter and getter method used in the given Java implementation. You are
supposed to follow strictly the Python naming convention to name classes, methods and variables.
Please accomplish all tasks marked with TODO in the provided Python template.
1. Class Cell: an abstract super class representing a cell object.
• Instance Variable(s)
– _row, _col: integers representing the row and column of the cell.
– _hours: the number of hours required to travel away from the cell.
– _occupant: an object which is occupying the cell.
– _color: a string for the ANSI escape codes for the background color.
• Instance Method(s)
– __init__(row, col): initialize a cell and set the position to (row, col).
– occupant(): the getter method of _occupant using property decorator.
– hours(): the getter method of _hours using property decorator.
– set_occupant(obj): set the occupant for the cell. If _occupant is not empty, call
the interact_with method of the _occupant. Return True to indicate if setting
obj to be the new occupant is successful; otherwise return False.
– remove_occupant(): set _occupant to None.
– display(): print a string to display the cell and the occupant according to the
terrain type and the output format.
2. Class Plain: a class extending the Cell class to represent a cell with the terrain type being
“plain”. The Plain class has the following additional instance method(s):
• Additional Instance Method(s)
– __init__(row, col): initialize a plain cell and set its position to (row, col).
Initialize instance variables _hours and _color.
3. Class Mountain: a class extending the Cell class to represent a cell with the terrain type
being “mountain”. The Mountain class has the following additional instance method(s):
• Additional Instance Method(s)
– __init__(row, col): initialize a mountain cell and set its position to (row, col).
Initialize instance variable _color.
– set_occupant(obj): return False.
4. Class Swamp: a class extending the Cell class to represent a cell with the terrain type being
“swamp”. The Swamp class has the following additional instance method(s):
• Additional Instance Method(s)
– __init__(row, col): initialize a swamp cell and set its position to (row, col).
Initialize instance variables _hours and _color.
5. Class GameCharacter: an abstract class representing a game character.
• Instance Variable(s)
– _row, _col: integers representing the current position of the game character.
– _occupying: an object of the Cell class which is occupied by the game character.
– _name: a string representing the type of the game character.
– _active: a Boolean variable to indicate whether the game character is active.
– _character: a character for displaying the game character on the map.
– _color: a string for the ANSI escape codes for the text color.
• Instance Method(s)
– __init__(row, col): initialize a game character and set the position to be (row, col).
– name(): the getter method of _name using property decorator.
– row(): the getter method of _row using the property decorator.
– col(): the getter method of _col using the property decorator.
– active(): the getter method of _active using the property decorator.
– occupying(): the getter method of _occupying using the property decorator.
– active(active): the setter method of _active using the property decorator.
– occupying(cell): the setter method of _occupying using the property decorator.
– act(map): an abstract method for the game character to take action at each round.
– interact_with(comer): an abstract method which is called when comer, which is
an object of the GameCharacter class, attempts to enter the cell occupied by the
game character.
– cmd_to_pos(char): a helper function which returns the next position according to
the input character char.
– display(): return the value of _character.
6. Class Player: a class extending the GameCharacter class to represent the player. The
Player class has the following additional instance variable(s) and method(s):
• Additional Instance Variable(s)
– _hp, _oxygen: integers representing the remaining HP and oxygen of the player.
– _valid_actions: a list of characters representing the valid actions for the player.
• Additional Instance Method(s)
– __init__(row, col, h, o): initialize the position to (row, col) and the initial
_hp and _oxygen to h and o respectively.
– hp(): the getter method of _hp using property decorator.
– hp(h): the setter method of _hp using the property decorator.
– oxygen(): the getter method of _oxygen using property decorator.
– oxygen(ox): the setter method of _oxygen using the property decorator.
– act(map): the player takes action with the following iteration:
(a) Prompt a message and get the user input for the moving direction and check
whether the input is valid. If the input is invalid, print an error message and
repeat step (a).
(b) Get the position of the next cell by the user input and call the get_cell method
of the _map object. If the returned cell is None, go to step (a).
(c) Call the set_occupant method to update the occupant of the returned cell. If
the returned value is False, go to step (a). Otherwise, the move is successful,
call remove_occupant of _occupying and update the variables _col, _row,
_oxygen and _occupying according to the game rules.
(d) Check whether _active is true. If not, remove the player from the cell _occupying
and update the _occupying according to the game rules.
– interact_with(comer): check whether comer is a Goblin. If so, print a message
to indicate that the player meets a Goblin. Update _hp and _active of comer
according to the game rules. Return False to indicate that comer does not occupy
the cell.
7. Class Goblin: a class extending the super class GameCharacter to represent a Goblin. The
Goblin class has the following additional instance variable(s) and method(s):
• Instance Variable(s)
– _actions: a list of characters representing the cyclic action sequence.
– _cur_act: an integer indicating the current action of the Goblin in _actions.
– _damage: an integer indicating the damage that can be caused by the Goblin.
• Instance Method(s)
– __init__(row, col, actions): initialize a Goblin with a list actions of cyclic
action sequence, and set the position to (row, col)
– damage(): the getter method of _damage using property decorator.
– act(map): a Goblin takes action with the following steps:
(a) Get the position of the next cell from actions and cur_act, and get the next
cell by calling the get_cell of the map object. Increment cur_act by one.
(b) If the next cell is not None, call the set_occupant method to update the occupant of the returned cell. If the move is successful, call remove_occupant of
_occupying and update the variables _col, _row, and _occupying according
to the game rules. Print a message to indicate the Goblin enters a new cell.
(c) Check whether _active is true. If not, remove the Goblin from the cell _occupying
and update the _occupying according to the game rules.
– interact_with(comer): check whether comer is the player. If so, print a message
to indicate that the Goblin meets the player at position (_row, _col). Update
_active and the _hp of comer according to the game rules. Return True to indicate
that comer occupies the cell.
8. Class Map: an object which contains basic information of the map and methods for inquiring
the relevant information.
• Instance Variable(s)
– _rows, _cols: integers representing the number of rows and columns of the map.
– _cells: a two-dimensional array where each element is an object of the Cell class.
• Instance Method(s)
– __init__(height, width): initialize a height × width map, where all elements
are Cell objects.
– rows(): the getter method of _rows using property decorator.
– cols(): the getter method of _cols using property decorator.
– get_cell(row, col): check whether the position is out of boundary. If so, print
a message to indicate the position is out of boundary and return None. Otherwise,
return cell at (row, col).
– build_cell(row, col, cell): check whether the position is out of boundary. If
so, print a message to indicate the position is out of boundary and return False.
Otherwise, add cell to _cells at the position (row, col) and return True.
– get_neighbours(row, col): return a list of neighboring cells of the cell at (row, col).
– display(): display the map by calling the display method of each cell in _cells.
9. Class Engine: a game engine object which holds the map, coordinates the actions of different
objects and controls the screen outputs.
• Instance Variable(s)
– _map: an object of the map class.
– _player: an object of the player class.
– _actors: a list of all objects that can take actions at each round.
• Instance Method(s)
– __init__(data_file): initialize the objects in the game according to the input
file with the name data_file.
– run(): run the game until the game ends.
– clean_up(): clean up all objects that are not active in _actors.
– state(): return 1 (win) and −1 (lose) when the game ends. Otherwise, return 0.
– print_info(): print out the map and the relevant information of the game for
each round according to the output format.
– print_result(): print a string for the final result of the game.
3 Task 2: Demonstrating Advantages of Dynamic Typing
There are commonly-claimed advantages of Dynamic Typing:
1. More generic code can be written. In other words, functions can be defined to apply to
arguments of different types.
2. Possibilities of mixed type collection data structures.
Please provide a scenario and concise example codes to demonstrate the advantages of Dynamic
Typing mentioned above. You are welcome to provide other advantages and disadvantages along
with code segment for bonus points.
Dynamic Typing makes coding more flexible and convenient, but you should bear in mind that
type checking can only be carried out at runtime, incurring time overhead and reliability issues.
4 Task 3: Duck Typing
The strange planet is more dangerous than expected! In this task, you are required to implement
more classes including Trap and Volcano. After accomplishing this task, you will have experienced a special feature of Python called Duck Typing that is available only in dynamically typed
programming languages. Again, you have to follow the prototypes of the given functions exactly.
Additionally, you must not use the type function to check the type of a variable in your program.
4.1 Duck Typing
The following synopsis of Duck Typing is summarized from:
In standard statically-typed object-oriented languages, objects’ classes (which determine an object’s characteristics and behavior) are essentially interpreted as the objects’ types. Duck Typing
is a new typing paradigm in dynamically-typed (late binding) languages that allow us to dissociate
typing from objects’ characteristics. It can be summarized by the following motto by the late poet
James Whitcombe Riley:
When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck,
I call that bird a duck.
The basic premise of Duck Typing is simple. If an entity looks, walks, and quacks like a duck, for
all intents and purposes it is fair to assume that one is dealing with a member of the species anas
platyrhynchos. In practical Python terms, this means that it is possible to try calling any method
on any object, regardless of its class. An important advantage of Duck Typing is that we can enjoy
polymorphism without inheritance. An immediate consequence is that we can write more generic
codes which are cleaner and more precise.
4.2 Description
On the strange planet, Goblins also make use of t traps for hunting. A trap is an invisible object
so that a cell occupied by a trap is represented by and displays only a space character. When a
game character enters a cell occupied by a trap, one of the following cases happens:
• If the game character is the player, then the player will lose one HP and one hour of oxygen.
• If the game character is a Goblin, the Goblin will become inactive and disappear from the
No matter what type of game character enters a cell containing a trap, the trap will become exposed
and disappear from the game. Figure 5 gives an example map. It is shown that there is one trap
in one of the eight neighboring cells of cell (7, 1) where the player is currently occupying.
Figure 4: Example map of the game with extensions.
There are also v volcanoes on the map. A volcano is a special mountain, which also “takes
action” in each round: it erupts with a certain frequency. The color of a volcano cell is red, and
a volcano will display a number representing the number of rounds before its next eruption. For
example, there is one volcano on the map in Figure 5 at position (4,7), and the volcano will erupt
in three rounds. When a volcano erupts, the player will get one HP damage if the player is at one
of the neighboring cells of the volcano cell. Also, all Goblins at neighboring cells of an erupted
volcano will become inactive and disappear from the game.
4.3 Input/Output Specification
Since there are additional elements on the planet, we update the input and output formats as
follows. Please follow the exact wording, spacing, and format of the output attachment.
Input File Figure 5 shows an example map file with traps and volcanoes. The additional parts
are highlighted by red boxes. There are two additional numbers in the first line: t (the number
of traps) and v (the number of volcanoes). The map for the file in Figure 5 describes a map with
two traps and one volcano. There are three additional lines at the end of the file, where the first
two lines describe the information for the two traps and the last line is about the volcano. Each
line for a trap consists of two integers for the row and the column number of the trap. Each
line for a volcano consists of an integer row for row number, an integer col column number and
an integer freq for the frequency of eruption, indicating that the Mountain at (row, col) is a
volcano and erupts for every freq rounds. You can assume that there are no traps and volcanoes
at the bottom-left and the top-right cells.
Displaying Game Information After each round of actions by the player, all Goblins, and
all volcanoes, the updated information should be printed in the command line. The additional
messages for traps and volcanoes are specified as follows.
Traps The information of traps should be printed after displaying the map. The status
message shall become “Oxygen: <oxy>, HP: <hp>, Trap: <trap>”, where <oxy> and <hp> are
the player’s remaining oxygen and HPs, and <trap> is the number of traps surrounding the player.
Figure 5: Example map file of Strange Planet with extensions
Volcanoes A volcano is displayed as a cell with three characters, where the first and the last
ones are spaces. The middle character is the number of rounds before the volcano erupts.
Other Information There is other information such as the “actions” of volcanoes and the
interaction between traps and game characters when one game character attempts to enter an
occupied cell. The messages are given in the skeleton code, and you are not allowed to change any
given print statements.
4.4 Class Design
Please follow the classes defined below in your implementation. You are not allowed to add any variables, methods, or classes. We will start your Python program using python3 StrangePlanet.py extension.
The following class design uses the naming convention of Python, and the class design for Java
will be given in the appendix. You are supposed to follow strictly the Python naming convention
to name classes, methods, and variables. Please accomplish all tasks marked with TODO in the
provided Python template.
1. Class Trap: a class representing a trap with the following components:
• Instance Variable(s)
– _row, _col: integers representing the current position of the trap.
– _name: a string representing the trap.
– _occupying: an object of the Cell class which is occupied by the trap.
• Instance Method(s)
– __init__(row, col): initialize a cell and set the position to (row, col).
– name(): the getter method of _name using property decorator.
– occupying(): the getter method of _occupying using property decorator.
– occupying(cell): the setter method of _occupying using property decorator.
– interact_with(comer): Remove the trap from the cell _occupying and update
_occupying according to the game rule. Update the properties of comer as follows:
(a) If comer is the player, update the player’s oxygen and HPs and print a message
to indicate the player has fallen into a trap. Return True to indicate the player
occupies the cell successfully.
(b) If comer is a Goblin, update the active status of comer and print a message to
indicate a Goblin has fallen into a trap. Return False to indicate the Goblin
did not occupy the cell successfully.
– display(): return a space character.
2. Class Volcano: a class extending the class Mountain with the following additional components:
• Instance Variable(s)
– _frequency: an integer representing the frequency for volcanic eruption.
– _countdown: an integer representing the number of rounds before the next eruption.
– _active: a Boolean variable to indicate whether the volcano is active or not.
• Instance Method(s)
– __init__(row, col, freq): initialize a volcano cell with the eruption frequency
being freq, and set the position (row, col).
– active(): the getter method of _active using property decorator.
– act(map): a method which is called when the volcano “takes action”. Reduce the
_countdown by one. When _countdown becomes 0:
(a) Print a message to indicate that the volcano at the position (_row, _col)
erupts and reset _countdown to be _frequency.
(b) Get all neighboring cells using the get_neighbours of map. Update the properties of all occupants at the neighboring cells according to the game rules.
– display(): print a string to display the volcano and the countdown according to
the output format.
In the Python implementation, you also need to adapt the Engine class to become the NewEngine
class by changing the following components:
- __init__(data_file): initialize all objects including objects of the Trap class and the
Volcano class.
- print_info(): print out the map and the relevant information including the number of traps
surrounding the player on the map.
5 Task 4: Demonstrating Advantages of Duck Typing
There are at least two places where we use duck typing in Python. Can you identify them? Please
provide the scenarios and concise example codes to compare your Python and Java implementations
and explain how duck typing makes coding more flexible and convenient.
6 Report
Your report should answer the following questions within FOUR A4 pages.
1. Provide example code and necessary elaborations for demonstrating advantages of Dynamic
Typing as specified in Task 2.
2. Provide example code and necessary elaborations for demonstrating advantages of Duck
Typing as specified in Task 4.
7 Submission Guidelines
Please read the guidelines CAREFULLY. If you fail to meet the deadline because of submission
problems on your side, marks will still be deducted. So please start your work early!
1. In the following, SUPPOSE
your name is Chan Tai Man,
your student ID is 1155234567,
your username is tmchan, and
your email address is tmchan@cse.cuhk.edu.hk.
2. In your source files, insert the following header. REMEMBER to insert the header according to the comment rule of Python.
∗ CSCI3180 Principles of Programming Languages
∗ --- Declaration ---
∗ I declare that the assignment here submitted is original except for source
∗ material explicitly acknowledged. I also acknowledge that I am aware of
∗ University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and of the
∗ disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy
∗ and regulations, as contained in the website
∗ http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/policy/academichonesty/
∗ Assignment 2
∗ Name : Chan Tai Man
∗ Student ID : 1155234567
∗ Email Addr : tmchan@cse.cuhk.edu.hk
3. Late submission policy: less 20% for 1 day late and less 50% for 2 days late. We shall not
accept submissions more than 2 days after the deadline.
4. The report should be submitted to VeriGuide, which will generate a submission receipt. The
report should be named report.pdf. The VeriGuide receipt of the report should be named
report.pdf. The report and receipt should be submitted together with codes in the same
ZIP archive.
5. Tar your source files to username.tar by
tar cvf tmchan.tar python.zip report.pdf receipt.pdf
6. Gzip the tarred file to username.tar.gz by
gzip tmchan.tar
7. Uuencode the gzipped file and send it to the course account with the email title “HW2
studentID yourName” by
uuencode tmchan.tar.gz tmchan.tar.gz \
| mailx -s "HW2 1155234567 Chan Tai Man" csci3180@cse.cuhk.edu.hk
8. Please submit your assignment using your Linux accounts.
9. An acknowledgment email will be sent to you if your assignment is received. Please DO NOT
delete or modify the acknowledgement email. You should contact your TAs for help if you do
not receive the acknowledgment email within 5 minutes after your submission. DO NOT
re-submit just because you do not receive the acknowledgment email.
10. You can check your submission status at
11. You can re-submit your assignment, but we will only grade the latest submission.
12. Enjoy your work :>
A Class Designs for Java Implementations
In this section, the instance variables and the instance methods of Java implementation are compared with those of Python implementation.
1. Class Cell.
• Instance Variable(s)
– int row, int col: corresponding to _row and _col.
– int hours: corresponding to _hours.
– Object occupant: corresponding to _occupant.
– String color: corresponding to _color.
• Instance Method(s)
– Cell(int row, int col): corresponding to __init__(row, col).
– Object getOccupant(): corresponding to occupant().
– int getHours(): corresponding to hours().
– boolean setOccupant(Object obj): corresponding to set_occupant(obj).
– void removeOccupant(): corresponding to remove_occupant().
– void display(): corresponding to display().
2. Class Plain.
• Additional Instance Method(s)
– Plain(int row, int col): corresponding to __init__(row, col).
3. Class Mountain.
• Additional Instance Method(s)
– Mountain(int row, int col): corresponding to __init__(row, col).
– boolean setOccupant(Object obj): corresponding to set_occupant(obj).
4. Class Swamp.
• Additional Instance Method(s)
– Swamp(int row, int col): corresponding to __init__(row, col).
5. Class GameCharacter.
• Instance Variable(s)
– int row, int col: corresponding to _row and _col.
– Cell occupying: corresponding to _occupying.
– String name: corresponding to _name.
– boolean active: corresponding to _active.
– char character: corresponding to _character.
– String color: corresponding to _color.
• Instance Method(s)
– GameCharacter(int row, int col): corresponding to __init__(row, col).
– String getName(): corresponding to name().
– int getRow(): corresponding to row().
– int getCol(): corresponding to col().
– boolean getActive(): corresponding to active().
– Cell getOccupying(): corresponding to occupying().
– void setActive(boolean active): corresponding to active(active).
– void setOccupying(cell): corresponding to occupying(cell).
– void act(Map map): corresponding to act(map).
– boolean interactWith(Object comer): corresponding to interact_with(comer).
– String display(): corresponding to display().
– int[] cmd2Pos(char c): corresponding to cmd_to_pos(char).
6. Class Player.
• Instance Variable(s)
– int hp, int oxygen: corresponding to _hp and _oxygen.
– char[] validActions: corresponding to _valid_actions.
• Instance Method(s)
– Player(int row, int col, int hp, int oxygen): corresponding to
__init__(row, col, h, o).
– int getHp(): corresponding to hp().
– void setHp(int h): corresponding to hp(h).
– int getOxygen(): corresponding to oxygen().
– void setOxygen(int o): corresponding to oxygen(ox).
– boolean interactWith(Object comer): corresponding to interact_with(comer).
– void act(Map map): corresponding to act(map).
7. Class Goblin.
• Instance Variable(s)
– char[] actions: corresponding to _actions.
– int curAct: corresponding to _cur_act.
– int damage: corresponding to _damage.
• Instance Method(s)
– Goblin(int row, int col, char[] actions): corresponding to
__init__(row, col, actions).
– void act(Map map): corresponding to act(map).
– int getDamage(): corresponding to damage().
– boolean interactWith(Object comer): corresponding to interact_with(comer).
8. Class Map.
• Instance Variable(s)
– int rows, int cols: corresponding to _rows and _cols.
– Cell[][] cells: corresponding to _cells.
• Instance Method(s)
– Map(int rows, int cols): corresponding to __init__(height, width).
– int getRows(): corresponding to rows().
– int getCols(): corresponding to cols().
– Cell getCell(int row, int col): corresponding to get_cell(row, col).
– boolean buildCell(int row, int col, Cell cell):
corresponding to build_cell(row, col, cell).
– ArrayList<Cell> getNeighbours(int row, int col):
corresponding to get_neighbours(row, col).
– void display(): corresponding to display().
9. Class Engine.
• Instance Variable(s)
– Map map: corresponding to _map.
– Player player: corresponding to _player.
– ArrayList<Object> actors: corresponding to _actors.
• Instance Method(s)
– Engine(String dataFile): corresponding to __init__(data_file).
– void run(): corresponding to run().
– void cleanUp(): corresponding to clean_up().
– int state(): corresponding to state().
– void printInfo(): corresponding to print_info().
– void printResult(): corresponding to print_result().
10. Class Trap.
• Instance Variable(s)
– int row, int col: corresponding to _row and _col.
– Cell occupying: corresponding to _occupying.
– String name: corresponding to _name.
• Instance Method(s)
– Trap(int row, int col): corresponding to __init__(row, col).
– String getName(): corresponding to name().
– Cell getOccupying(): corresponding to occupying().
– void setOccupying(Cell cell): corresponding to occupying(cell).
– boolean interactWith(Object comer): corresponding to interact_with(comer).
– String display(): corresponding to display().
11. Class Volcano.
• Instance Variable(s)
– int frequency: corresponding to _frequency.
– int countdown: corresponding to _countdown.
– boolean active: corresponding to _active.
• Instance Method(s)
– Volcano(int row, int col, int freq): corresponding to __init__(row, col, freq).
– boolean getActive(): corresponding to active().
– void act(Map map): corresponding to act(map).
– void display(): corresponding to display().